Bloccy 1.1 - Post Jam Update


  • Small redesign to level 11 (No change to solution)
  • New level select scene with "Worlds"
  • Improved jump detection
  • Added Spinners
  • 9 New Spinner Levels!
  • UI SFX

Game Direction

Making Bloccy has been an amazing experience. It's my first GMTK jam and the community are so supportive and encouraging with the feedback I've received. Regardless of the results later today, I'm proud to have gotten such great comments from fellow jammers. This is also my first time updating a game post-jam and I'm excited to publish a slightly more polished version of the game.

Whether I update Bloccy more depends mostly on my motivation. If I see people continue interacting with the game after the jam, perhaps I'll do more. If not, I'll move onto the next project (or maybe add a few more levels if I get ideas). Thanks to everyone whose played and bothers reading this devlog!


Bloccy Web 15 MB
21 days ago
Bloccy Windows 35 MB
21 days ago

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